You are a Carnal Christian, if you do not have the fruits of the spirit.
You are a carnal Christian, if you confess that there is sin and failure to acknowledge sins in your lives without any grief or true repentance
You are a carnal Christian if you believe you will go to heaven yet walks after the fleshy desires.
You are a carnal Christian if you are professing godliness but not practicing in actions.
You are a carnal Christian if you do a lip-worship, seeking outward purity but inward full of ravening and wickedness
You are a carnal Christian if flesh rules you and the world has a hold on you.
You are a carnal Christian if you value self-will above God’s will.
You are a carnal Christian if you seek spiritual discernment in light of worldly wisdom rather than depending upon the Holy Spirit to lead you.
You are a carnal Christian if you partly serve God and at the same time partly serve yourself, and self-righteousness becomes important.
You are a carnal Christian if you glorify God but still have the evidence of works of flesh such as adultery, Fornication, Uncleanness, Lasciviousness, drunkenness, alcohol and drugs, addictions such as smoking, pornography, gambling, sexual perversion such as homosexual etc , Idolatry, and Witchcraft.
You are a carnal Christian if you profess to be saved but yet are controlled by the sins.
You are a carnal Christian if you do not demonstrate victory over addictions and sexual temptations.
You are a carnal Christian if you have a long list of very serious sins
You are a carnal Christian if you quench the Holy Spirit and listen to the evil spirit.
You are a carnal Christian if you your attitude in your daily life still not reflecting as good children of God but shows the evidence of children of disobedience and evil
You are a carnal Christian if do not love what God loves or hate what God hates.
You are a carnal Christian if you are influenced by the ways of the world and dress like the world.
You are a carnal Christian if you are dominated by the desires of your flesh and who lives a self-pleasing and self willed life.
You are a carnal Christian if you Exalt Man above God
You are a carnal Christian if you are a Sexual immoral, drunkard and the greedy.
You are a carnal Christian if you gossip under the cover of sharing prayer requests
You are a carnal Christian if you are bragging about the depth of your sins, rather than humbly and shamefacedly confessing them
you are a carnal Christian if you addicted to food, drugs, sex, pornography, gambling, alcohol, tobacco, violence, smoking watching sports, shopping, TV, computer or video games, reading romance novels etc
You are a carnal Christian if you are a self indulgent; always making excuses for staying in your sins.
You are a carnal Christian if you are celebrating Halloween and Christmas like trying to drink from the Cup of Lord and devil same time.
You are a carnal Christian if you neglect the Bible guidelines and walks not according to Holy Spirit
You are a carnal Christian if your lifestyle is ungodly living in evil pleasures and lusts.
You are a carnal Christian if you do not dress modestly, with decency and propriety.
You are a carnal Christian if you adorn yourself in a way that excites lust in another person.
You are a carnal Christian if you allow your family and children to follow the path of wicked .
You are a carnal Christian if you call yourself a Christian or a spiritual person, but fail to overcome Temptations to Sin on a Regular Basis
You are a carnal Christian if you get drunk, or hang out at Bars & Clubs, attend Worldly Parties
You are a carnal Christian if you Love The Things of This World More than God's Word
You are a carnal Christian if you say you Love the Lord but are embarrassed, or ashamed to Share & Preach Gods message to the World
You are a carnal Christian if you have failed to repent and forsake sins.
You are a carnal Christian if you justify, condone, or participate in their evil practices instead of rebuking sin and refusing to fellowship with Evil Companions
You are a carnal Christian if you are Befriending with Sinners instead of limiting our association with sinners to places and circumstances that do not promote and encourage sin, avoiding places and circumstances of moral disrepute where people gather to commit immorality.
You are a Carnal Christian, if you don’t teach what it is good or right in Gods eyes and ignore Gods commandments.
You are a Carnal Christian, if you committed adultery, married multiple times, divorced because of selfish, uncontrolled sexual lusts.
You are a Carnal Christian, if you are living together in an unmarried and adulterous state.
You are a Carnal Christian, if you have All kinds of sin and wickedness.
You are a Carnal Christian, if you do not teach your children’s a Godly ways in every area of their life.
You are a Carnal Christian, if you are unholy, having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof.
You are a carnal Christian is you falsely accuse others, if you cheat others, if you lie, if you have pleasures more than lovers of God.
You are a carnal Christian if you compromise your Christian walk with unholy, ungodly, unrighteous people.
You are a carnal Christian if you preach different gospel and cause divisions among other believers.
You are carnal Christian if you worship in church with rock and roll music, hip-pop music instead of songs of hymns and spiritual songs.
You are a carnal Christian if you are Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents.
You are a carnal Christian if you fail to acknowledge your sins, faults, mistakes or wrong doing and are unrepentant concerning your sin, often rationalize and look for excuses to justify your sins.
You are a carnal Christian if you are living spiritually defeated lives because of your unrighteous acts such as adultery,lust,temptation, addiction to tobacco,smoking,drugs, immodestly dressed women, drunkenness to gambling, divorce, living together, premarital sex, pornography, sexual perversions etc , and have tried to justify your sin gradually developed a rebellious spirit.
You are a carnal Christian if you are a slave to any kind of bad addictions
You are a carnal Christian if you have a tendency to rationalize evil into good and good into evil.
You are a carnal Christian if you compromise against the works of flesh, darkness and works of Satan.
You are a carnal Christian if you justify your disobedience to the Word of God by twisting the Scriptures to justify your lifestyle.
You are a carnal Christian if you are the partakers of the Lord's table, and of the table of devils.
You are a carnal Christian if you watch a questionable content of sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, violence of all types drunkenness, orgies.
You are a carnal Christian if you are watch TV or Video games that glorify violence, lewdness, and dumb decisions.
You are a carnal Christian if you dress seductively like a Harlot cunning of heart and causes temptation in others.
You are a carnal Christian if you are busy in pursuing money, entertainment, work, houses cars and material things, and failing to fulfill your spiritual responsibility.
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