Written By Daryl Stout
1) God's Standard Is Perfection, to enter Heaven's Gate.
That means that even with one sin, damnation is your fate.
Unless you repent of your sin, accepting Christ by faith;
And believing in the words that The Lord has saith.
2) God's Standard Is Perfection, and you can't fool The Lord.
For His Word is piercing, sharper, than a two edged sword.
He knows all your motives, words, and deeds, plus all your thoughts.
And one day, you'll answer for your life, what you have wrought.
3) God's Standard Is Perfection, life without one blemished spot.
No matter what you do in life...attain this, you can not.
In thought or in deed, if you have, God's Holy Laws, one broken;
You're guilty breaking all His Laws...as His Truth, has spoken.
4) God's Standard Is Perfection, with Ten Commandments shown.
And elsewhere in His Holy Word, spoken from His Throne.
And, it seems impossible, with our natured sin...
For there's only One Way for mankind to come to Him.
5) God's Standard Is Perfection, and no one on Earth can pay.
And, everyone will stand before The Lord, on Judgment Day.
For Jesus Christ, God In The Flesh, The Perfect, Sinless Lamb;
Died for all upon The Cross, all part of God's Great Plan.
6) God's Standard Is Perfection, in a life lived without sin.
And, only Jesus lived that life, God's Perfect Blood within.
For by the shedding of His Blood, for sin, there is remission.
God's Love Gift, for sinners prayer...humbly, with contrition.
7) God's Standard Is Perfection, In Perfect Righteousness.
All who repent of their sin, will be eternally blessed.
These covered by The Blood Of Christ, that on The Cross, was shed.
To wash away all of our sin, God's Love Gift there, in red.
8) God's Standard Is Perfection, On Resurrection Morn.
All accepting Christ as Lord, are again reborn.
And, just as He, arose that Day...one day, the saved will rise.
When His Shout, and Rapture Trumpet, there both split the skies.
9) God's Standard Is Perfection, and these words you may despise.
But. those rejecting God's Love Gift, will see Christ's Flaming Eyes.
While most sins are forgiven, only one sin will not be.
And, spurning what Christ did, will haunt you for eternity.
10) God's Standard Is Perfection, Christ knocks at your hearts door.
Will you hearken to His Voice, or will you Him, ignore??
For if you die, rejecting Christ, for your sins desires;
Torment will be yours forever, in The Lake Of Fire.
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