Despite of Differences,Come Unity in Jesus Christ!

Twelve Disciples of Jesus

Twelve Disciples of Jesus














Simon Peter

Simon Peter - is the Son of John; Also known as: Peter or Cephas meaning "Rock" (Brother of Andrew)

Occupation Characteristics Major Life Events What Jesus Said

Fisherman Impulsive; later - bold in preaching about Jesus One of Three in core group of Disciples (Peter, James, and John); recognized Jesus as the Messiah; disowned Christ and repented; preached Pentecost sermon; a leader of the Jerusalem church; baptized Gentiles; wrote 1 and 2 Peter. Named him Peter & Cephas, which in Aramaic & Hebrew means "Rock" (John 1:42). Jesus called him "Satan" when he urged Jesus to reject the Cross; said he would become a Fisher of Men; he received revelation from God; he would disown Jesus; he would later be Crucified.

Key Lesson Death Verses

Christians falter at times, but when they return to Jesus, he forgives them and strengthens their faith. He was reportedly Crucified, upside down, during the reign of Emperor Nero. Matt 4:18-20

Mark 8:29-33

Luke 22:31-34

John 21:15-19

Acts 2:14-41

Acts 10:1-11:18


Andrew is - Peter's Brother

Occupation Characteristics Major Life Events What Jesus Said

Fisherman Eager to bring others to Jesus Accepted John the Baptist's testimony about Jesus; told Peter about Jesus; he and Philip told Jesus that Greeks wanted to see him. Said he would become a Fisher of men.

Key Lesson Death Verses

Christians are to tell other people about Jesus. The Apostle was Crucified on an X-shaped Cross, the two ends of which were in the ground. Matt 4:18-20

John 1:35-42; 6:8, 9

John 12:20-22


John is - Son of Zebedee; James the Greaters Brother; & "the Disciple whom Jesus loved"

"Sons of Thunder" (James & John)

Occupation Characteristics Major Life Events What Jesus Said

Fisherman Ambitious, Judgmental, later - very loving Third disciple in core group; asked Jesus for a place of honor in his kingdom; wanted to call down fire on a Samaritan village; a leader of the Jerusalem church; wrote the Gospel of John and 1, 2, 3 John and Revelation. Called James and John "Sons of Thunder"; said he would be a Fisher of men; would drink the cup Jesus drank; would take care of Jesus' Mother after Jesus' death.

Key Lesson Death Verses

The transforming power of the love of Christ is available to all. He Died of Old Age. Mark 1:19

Mark 10:35-40

Luke 9:52-56

John 19:26, 27

John 21:20-24

James The Greater

James the Greater - is Son of Zebedee James the Greater he & his younger Brother John were called the"Sons of Thunder"(James & John)

Occupation Characteristics Major Life Events What Jesus Said

Fisherman Ambitious, short-tempered judgmental, deeply committed to Jesus. He did NOT write the Book of James. Jesus' half- brother James did; and that James was NOT a Disciple. Also in core group; he and his Brother John asked Jesus for places of honor in his Kingdom; wanted to call fire down to destroy a Samaritan village; first disciple to be martyred. Called James & John "Sons of Thunder"; said he would be a Fisher of men; would drink the cup Jesus drank.

Key Lesson Death Verses

Christians must be willing to die for Jesus. James was killed by the sword by King Herod Agrippa (Acts 12:1-2).

Mark 3:17

Mark 10:35-40

Luke 9:52-56

Acts 12:1-2

James The Less

James the Less is - Son of Alphaeus; James the Less or James the Younger His Mother was called "the other Mary". Some think that Matthew & he were brothers because they were both the Sons of Alphaeus, but never called brothers.

Occupation Characteristics Major Life Events What Jesus Said

Unknown Unknown.

He did NOT write the Book of James, but Jesus' half-Brother James did? and that other James was NOT one of the 12 Disciples. Became one of Jesus' Disciples Unknown

Key Lesson Death Verses

Unknown Was Stoned & Clubbed to Death in Jerusalem. Matt 10:3

Mark 3:18

Luke 6:15


Matthew is - Son of Alphaeus is also called Levi; Some think that Matthew & James the Less were brothers because they were both the Sons of Alphaeus, but never called brothers.

Occupation Characteristics Major Life Events What Jesus Said

Tax Collector Despised outcast because of his dishonest career Abandoned his corrupt (and financially profitable) way of life to follow Jesus; invited Jesus to a party with his notorious friends; wrote the Gospel of Matthew. Called him to be a Disciple.

Key Lesson Death Verses

Christianity is not for people who think they're already good; it is for people who know they've failed and want help. He was killed with a halberd (a pike fitted with an ax head) in Nadabah. Matt 9:9-13

Mark 2:15-17

Luke 5:27-32


Occupation Characteristics Major Life Events What Jesus Said

Fisherman Questioning attitude Told Nathanael about Jesus; wondered how Jesus could feed 5,000; asked Jesus to show his followers God the Father; he and Andrew told Jesus that Greeks wanted to see him. Asked if Philip realized that to know and see him was to know and to see the Father.

Key Lesson Death Verses

God uses our questions to teach us. He reportedly suffered Martyrdom at Heliopolis, in Phrygia. He was severely flogged, imprisoned, and later Crucified. This is NOT the Philip mentioned in the Book of Acts Matt 10:3

John 1:43-46; 6:2-7

John 12:20-22

John 14:8-11


Bartholomew is also known as Nathanael

Occupation Characteristics Major Life Events What Jesus Said

Unknown Honesty & Straight forwardness Initially rejected Jesus because Jesus was from Nazareth but acknowledged him as the "Son of God" and "King of Israel" when they met. Called him "a true Israelite" and a man "in whom there is nothing False."

Key Lesson Death Verses

Jesus respects honesty in people - even if they challenge him because of it. He was Tortured & Crucified in India. Mark 3:18

John 1:45-51

John 21:1-13


Thomas is known as The Twin; Didymus

Occupation Characteristics Major Life Events What Jesus Said

Unknown Courage & Doubt Suggested the Disciples go with Jesus to Bethany ? even if it meant death; asked Jesus about where he was going; refused to believe Jesus was risen until he could see Jesus alive and touch his wounds. Said Thomas believed because he actually saw Jesus after the resurrection.

Key Lesson Death Verses

Even when Christians experience serious doubts, Jesus reaches out to them to restore their faith. He was reportedly killed with a Spear in India. Matt 10:3

John 14:5; 20:24-29

John 21:1-13


Thaddaeus is - the Son of James ? (a.k.a. Judas) Known as the other Judas - he was the good Judas

Occupation Characteristics Major Life Events What Jesus Said

Unknown Unknown Asked Jesus why he would reveal himself to his followers and not to the world. Unknown

Key Lesson Death Verses

Christians follow Jesus because they believe in him; they do not always understand the details of God's plan. He was Crucified at Edessa. Matt 10:3

Mark 3:18

John 14:22

Simon the Zealot

Occupation Characteristics Major Life Events What Jesus Said

Unknown Fierce patriotism Became a Disciple of Jesus Unknown

Key Lesson Death Verses

If we are willing to give up our plans for the future, we can participate in Jesus' plans. He was believed to have been Crucified in what is today called Britain. Matt 10:4

Mark 3:18

Luke 6:15

Judas Iscariot

Judas also known as the Betrayer

Occupation Characteristics Major Life Events What Jesus Said

Unknown Treacherous & Greedy Became one of Jesus' Disciples; betrayed Jesus; killed himself. Called him "a devil"; said Judas would betray Jesus.

Key Lesson Death Verses

It is not enough to be familiar with Jesus' teachings. Jesus' true followers Love and Obey him. He later committed Suicide by Hanging himself. Matt 26:20-25

Luke 22:47-48

John 12:4-8


Occupation Characteristics Major Life Events What Jesus Said

Unknown He was one of 2 men nominated (Joseph Justus?aka Barsabbas was too) to take Judas' place. The Assembly of 120 Prayed to God to make the right choice. They "cast lots" and Matthias was chosen. He was chosen to replace Judas after Peter had recited Scripture (Acts 1:15-26) from some of King David's Prophecies showing their need to replace Judas. Ps 69:25; Ps 109:8


Key Lesson Death Verses

Unknown He was Stoned, then Beheaded at Jerusalem.

Matthias means "Gift of God."

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